Under this section of Christian festivals in India, we have brought useful information on different Christian festivals and holidays in India.

Christian Festivals in India

India is a land of various religions and muliple cultures. Alongwith Hindu, Mulism and Sikh festivals, Christian festivals are also celebrated with deity and devotion in different parts of India. Let's have a look on different Christian festivals in India and their significance.

The festival of Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and conveys his message of love, tolerance and brotherhood. It's a celebration of humanity and mankind. Though Christmas is a primary festival of the Christian calendar but still it has a special significance in everyone's life. It is celebrated as a universal festival through out the nation. The first mention of 25th December as the birth date of Jesus occurred in 336 A.D. in an early Roman calendar. That day onwards this date is celebrated as the birth date of Jesus. In India this festival has a special significance since India is known for its unity in diversity worldwide.

Easter, also known as Pascha , the Feast of the Resurrection, the Sunday of the Resurrection or the Resurrection Day, is the most important religious feast of the Christian Calendar. Easter is observed between late March and late April (early April to early May in East). Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which occurred after his death by crucifixion. In the Catholic Church, Easter is actually an eight-day feast called the Octave of Easter.

Good Friday
Good Friday, anniversary of Jesus' death on the cross. According to the Gospels, Jesus was put to death on the Friday before Easter Day. Since the early church Good Friday has been observed by fasting and penance. In the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican traditions, the celebration of the Eucharist is suspended; liturgical service involves veneration of the cross, the Passion narrative from the Gospel of St. John, and communion using bread and wine consecrated the previous day, Maundy Thursday. Other forms of observance include prayer and meditation at the Stations of the Cross, a succession of 14 images, usually on wooden crosses, depicting Christ's crucifixion and the events leading up to it.

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